
The PI of the laboratory is Kenji Matsuura, who is a full professor at Tokushima University. His interests and expertise involves “devising new models, methods and technologies of human-centered design in the field of learning support systems.” The current projects of running study include design and implementation of supporting systems for human skill development in several team-sports and advanced environment for learners of driving cars or trains. His interests covers not only improvement of individual skills but also team tactics thereof. He is also a director of Center for Administration of Information Technology and works for promoting ICT enhancement for faculties and students by design and maintain the advanced network systems.


  • Lab.Name:MA2LAB(松浦研究室)
  • Alias:ICTEL (ICT-Enhanced Education/Learning Lab.)


  1. 学習の場での身体性を含む知的活動の支援手法開発
  2. 大学キャンパスにおける情報ネットワークシステムの基盤設計
  3. 組織を跨いだ情報システム連携の設計

・徳島大学 常三島キャンパス 情報センター棟 505室(学生共同研究室)
・徳島大学 常三島キャンパス 情報センター棟 401室(教員研究室)